Tuesday, January 13, 2009

R+G Blog #1

Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are only aware of their existence from the time they are sent for to when they are hanged. There life does not seem very purposeful since they are just being used. I find it interesting that R kept getting heads. I thought that he'd get a tails after at least the tenth turn, but the same pattern kept continuing, as if some other force is controlling them. There seems to be some outer force that has the power over them, just in the way that they only remember being summoned. I found it amusing that R was in his own little world, sort of disconnected from G. Although they are companions, they think differently. R just accepts what is going on, while Guildenstern tries to rationalize it. G comes u with theories like the probability of a probability and divine intervention. And the theory that if opportunity is increased, anything is possible ( infinite monkey).

"Fear! The crack that might flood your brain with light"

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