Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Dark truths of Christianity

To me, this was a very intersting topic because unlike the nicey nice aspects we are taught about Christianity, we examined the dark truths of Christianity in our class tragedies.
I thought that every group did a great job. The first group showed the structure of the tragedy really well along with having a detailed and thorough plot. It was important to learn that our actions can affect those we care about.
The second group had a very important theme- free will vs. God's will. This is a very complex issue and the tragedy showed that. It showed that if you don't obey God's will, then your world will spiral out of control
The third group's missionary theme was very realistic and relatable. Sometimes our selfishness stands in our way of God. When we put ourselves above those who want God yet have committed some terrible sin or seem unworthy of God's love, we go against what He wants. He desires for us to love mankind and share his love, not selfishly contain it. So i liked that the third group brought that up.

I not only learned the structure of Greek tragedies better, but i learned more about myself and dark truths of Christianity.