Tuesday, September 23, 2008

What I took from our guest speaker's discussion---

I was very excited to look more in depth at Crime and Punishment. The favorite thing that i learned about was existentialism and how Raskolnikov embodies that. It was discussed that Doestoevsky showed "living life always making momentary decisions" in his book. This is an element of existentialism. A.K.A. what vices draw them to make decisions. I was also interested to find out that Doestoevsky was an epileptic and had a tortured soul. This better explains why he wrote such a gloomy and psychological novel.
In his deep analysis of the character's souls, Doestoevsky is able to "rip the mask" off of the characters and tie their emotions to those of the audience. The last thing that stood out to me was when our speaker told us an important theme. He said that "what we do on the external comes onto the internal". And this theme is apparent throughout the entire work of Crime and Punishment.

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